Get Huge Savings on Top Flooring Brands – Nationwide Shipping from Dalton, GA Shipping Policy

Buy from with confidence knowing that your entire order will be handled right. The showroom and distribution center is located in Dalton, Georgia. Our location in the “Carpet Capital of the World” enables us to offer prompt delivery and dependable service throughout the United States of America.

The shipping department at takes immense pride in packing and shipping orders correctly. As a floor covering dealer who regularly ships to individuals, dealers, and businesses across the United States, we know the importance of proper packaging and using the most dependable freight companies. Your sales representative will give you all the shipping details, including cost, approximate delivery time, and phone numbers for your local shipping terminal.

*IMPORTANT: You are responsible for unloading home deliveries.

Freight drivers do not unload deliveries. If you choose a home or business delivery, it is particularly important to have a few strong helpers to unload the material from the delivery truck. Most flooring materials are very heavy, and the rolls or packages are designed to be moved by a forklift/pole hyster or by a professional installer. When receiving a Home Delivery, it is important to note that the freight line will only deliver to the end of your driveway. It is your responsibility to unload the freight and move it to your storage area. Do not Forget About Terminal Pickup. Most customers choose to have their installer pick up their material from their nearest local terminal. This can save you the home delivery charge (as much as $200 saved) and will save you the hassle of unloading yourself. You must receive delivery or pick up your material within two business days of the material reaching your local terminal. If not, you will be responsible for any storage fees accessed by the freight company.

*IMPORTANT: Inspect Delivery Before You Accept.

When you or your installer pick up your order from the shipping terminal, or if you receive a home delivery, please be sure to:

Count the number of items (i.e., packages and rolls) and be sure they exactly match the bill of lading.
Visually inspect the packages, rolls, etc. for damage.
If damage is seen on your package, write on the proof of delivery a detailed description of the damage found (i.e., damage found at the end of roll or corners of boxes crushed),
and take pictures.
If any material is missing or any damage is seen note it on the proof of delivery and call immediately.
Concealed damage: If damage is not discovered until the goods are opened at home, immediately call the truck line and to report the concealed damage.
If concealed damaged is not reported within 5 days of receipt of material a claim cannot be filed.

*IMPORTANT: If you have any questions, please call, because once you have signed the bill of lading, you are saying that all goods are received and in good condition.

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