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Flooring Installation
Floor Tek Installation
The experts at recommend FloorTek Installation for residential and commercial floor covering installation within a 150 mile radius of Dalton, GA. LaGretta Sexton is the installation coordinator, and can be reached at (706) 529-5810.

Not In Our Service Area? No Problem!

CFI is a free resource for homeowners and businesses to connect them to certified flooring installers in thier area. CFI was founded in 1993 for the purpose of identifying and certifying flooring installers to achieve customer satisfaction through quality installation. The organization of over 12,000 members worldwide promotes installation excellence and customer satisfaction in the field of flooring installation. Reallyfastfloor.comis not in anyway affiliated with CFI, but they are a great source for people outside of our service area. They can be found on the web at
Excellent independent installers are available in most towns around the country. Always ask for references and be sure to go over the details of the installation with the installer. This includes the cost of pulling up and hauling off old flooring, moving furniture, and pick-up from your local terminal. You may also want to discuss where seams will be. Be sure your carpet is power-stretched, otherwise, it will begin to wrinkle shortly after installation.